Most of us have a fear of spiders, which is somewhat warranted. Humans are hardwired to avoid any potential threats, and that includes creepy crawlies. Regardless of where you fall on the arachnophobia spectrum, it is safe to say that spiders are not welcome guests in most homes. There are over 40,000 types of spiders worldwide! One type of spider that is often forgotten or misunderstood is the wolf spider. Although it is not considered a lethal spider, it is a venomous spider that homeowners should be educated about. 

How To Identify Wolf Spiders 

Wolf spiders are dark brown with pale markings on their body. Due to their hairy appearance and robust size, they are sometimes misidentified as tarantulas. There are over 100 species of wolf spiders in North America. 

Wolf spiders are peculiar in that they do not spin webs like most spiders. Instead, they are nocturnal hunters that are extremely fast and can chase their prey long distances. They prefer to live in solitude, in dark areas, such as beneath rocks and logs.

The Dangers Of Wolf Spiders On Your Property

Wolf spiders prefer to live outside, but they may enter your property in pursuit of prey. Once inside your home, they are likely to stay in dark, sheltered areas like garages, sheds, and basements. They are not big climbers and so tend to stay low to the ground, against baseboards, or beneath the furniture.

Wolf spiders will bite if they are provoked or feel threatened in some way. While their venom isn’t poisonous to humans, it can cause harm to pets and livestock. If you have small pets in your home, the wolf spider venom is likely to prove fatal. Additionally, it is possible for humans to be allergic to wolf spider venom. Under normal circumstances, a wolf spider bite may swell or itch but the pain should be mild and short-lived. However, if you are allergic to wolf spider venom you may experience muscle cramps, dizziness, sweating, nausea, and trouble breathing. In this case, it is best to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

How To Keep Wolf Spiders Away From Your Property

Wolf spiders enter homes and other man-made structures in search of food or shelter. The best way to keep spiders away from your property is to ensure that you are not creating a hospitable environment for them.

  • Seal cracks that wolf spiders could use to access your home
  • Install and maintain bug screens on all of your windows and doors
  • Check your woodpiles before bringing them inside of your home
  • Control the insect population in your home; having insects in your home will attract hungry spiders

Despite your best efforts to prevent a wolf spider problem, you still may find yourself dealing with their presence. In the end, the best way to protect your home is by partnering with a professional. 

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Wolf Spiders

It is natural to want to keep your home pest-free. It is important to keep in mind that, in the case of an active infestation, safety and efficacy should be top priorities when removing pests. The safest way to get rid of spiders, including wolf spiders, is to contact a professional. Do not take the chance of being the victim of a spider bite and avoid the risk of causing the pests to hide deeper in your home.

pest control professional, like Innovative Pest Solutions, can ensure that wolf spiders are safely and quickly removed from your home. We offer free estimates that are just a phone call away. With years of experience and dedication, we are prepared to make your infestation a problem of the past. For a permanent solution to your wolf spider problem, give Innovative Pest Solutions a call.

A CTA for spider control services