What’s wrong with a little mouse getting into your Raleigh home? A lot actually. Mice are some of the most common home-invading pests. Once they get in, it is very difficult to convince them to live somewhere else. Some mice don’t take, “Go away!” for an answer. A mouse can live inside your home even if you don’t offer one drop of water or one morsel of food. But it is possible to starve them out if you take the right steps. Today, we’re going to discuss what works to naturally remove mice from your home.

1. How Water And Food Play A Role Indoors

Mice prefer to live where there is food and water nearby. This is one of the reasons they will take up residence inside a home. If you remove food and water options, mice will have to find a drink or a bite to eat outside of your home. When they go out to do this, they could decide to stay outside. It depends on the mouse. Consider the following mouse prevention tips for eliminating food and water sources in your home.

  • Keep your home as clean as possible.
  • Address spills immediately.
  • Put pet food down only during mealtimes and never overnight.
  • Put your pantry or stored food products inside sealed glass or plastic containers.
  • Clean the floors and shelves in your pantry.
  • Address insects, spiders, and other critters. These can be food for mice.
  • Address any leaky faucets and plumbing issues.

2. How Hiding Places Play A Role Indoors

Mice love a cluttered home. This is because they are skittish animals. They don’t like to be exposed. If you have lots of hiding places, these will allow mice to move freely about your home. This can expose you to ticks, fleas, bacteria, and other organisms. Removing clutter can also make your home less desirable for a timid little mouse.

  • Remove objects that are piled.
  • Stow items away rather than leaving them out to put in a pile.
  • Organize boxes in storage areas so there are as few tight gaps as possible.

3. How Water, Food, And Hiding Places Play A Role Outdoors

If you make it hard for mice to find food and water in your home, they’ll have to go outside. If they have a hard time finding a bite to eat outside, they may explore areas that are away from your home. Consider the following tips to drive mice away.

  • Address conditions that allow puddles to form or rainwater to be captured.
  • Move bird feeders away from your exterior walls. Seeds are a primary food source for mice.
  • Move wood piles and other stacked objects away from your exterior. These are prime hiding places for mice.
  • Rake leaves, remove sticks, and reduce unnecessary vegetation near your home. A neat and dry exterior with few places to hide will be undesirable to a mouse.
  • Make sure your trash receptacles have a cover. Mice can climb and jump their way into your trash.

4. How Entry Points Play A Role Outdoors

Once mice have vacated your property, it is time to make it harder for them to get back inside. Do a detailed inspection of your exterior and seal any entry points you find. Once this is done, take steps to reduce pathways to your roof. You would be amazed at all of the ways a mouse can get into your home by way of your roof.

  • Use a caulking gun to seal holes in wood, gaps around window and door frames, and gaps around pipes.
  • Replace damaged vent caps, screens, door sweeps, door jams, and weatherstripping.
  • Put wire mesh in downspouts.
  • Trim tree branches away from your roofline.
  • Consider removing exterior wall lattices and vines.

Complete Control

If you take the steps above, you can resolve your mouse issues. But, in some situations, these steps can be difficult to implement. Keep in mind that the rodent control professionals at Innovative Pest Solutions are always available to assist you. We use advanced strategies and control products to arrest mouse infestations and to keep mice out of Raleigh properties. Contact us today for a consultation or inspection. We’re here to help you get control of all your pest problems.