Ants may seem small, but they can significantly impact our daily lives. Two of the most commonly encountered ant species in North Carolina are carpenter ants and fire ants, and these pests can pack a punch when they infest your home or yard. 

Visually, it’s not difficult to distinguish between a fire ant vs. carpenter ant, but understanding their different impacts on your home can help prevent infestations from growing out of hand. 

Whether you’re currently struggling with these pests or want to safeguard your home, we have key information to help you understand these painful and destructive ants. Keep reading to find out more!

What You Need to Know About Fire Ants

Fire ants are a type of stinging ant known for their aggressive behavior and painful sting. They are native to South America but have spread to many other parts of the world, including the United States.‘

Fire ants are easily recognizable by their reddish-brown color and their tendency to swarm and attack in large numbers. They are social insects that live in large colonies, generally harboring one queen whose sole responsibility is to lay eggs. 

Workers make up the bulk of the ant mound and complete day-to-day tasks like caring for the young, foraging for food, and defending the colony from predators. When the colony is disturbed, the workers will swarm and attack in large numbers.

Because fire ants are omnivores, they feed on various food sources like insects, decaying organic matter, and plant materials. They’re especially attracted to sweet and sugary substances and are often found near garbage cans and outdoor eating areas.

When comparing a fire ant vs. carpenter ant infestation, carpenter ants typically cause more damage, but fire ants can still leave a mark. Large fire ant infestations can cause serious problems for homeowners and farmers.

In large numbers, fire ants can damage crops, electrical equipment, car mechanics, and home interiors. Because they regularly build around important structures, significant infestations can leave you with mild wear and tear and fire hazards. 

Plus, don’t forget about their nasty stings! A fire ant’s sting is pretty painful, with many victims reporting a fire-like burning sensation followed by swelling and intense itching. In severe cases, fire ant stings can be life-threatening, especially for people allergic to their venom.

Carpenter Ants

While fire ants are associated with their powerful sting, carpenter ants are known for their ability to construct their nests within wood, hence their name. They are often found in North America and are distinguishable by their large size, usually ranging from 6 to 12 mm.

Carpenter ants are usually attracted to moist or decaying wood, which makes homes and buildings with water damage vulnerable to infestations. Although they do not eat wood, the tunnels and galleries they create can cause significant structural damage over time.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants are omnivores and consume sugary substances, fruits, and other insects they encounter. They play an essential role in breaking down dead trees and other organic matter in the wild.

Similar to fire ants, carpenter ants are social insects that reside in hierarchical colonies. They have a clear division of labor, with workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals. The colony is headed by a queen ant whose sole purpose is to lay eggs and increase the colony’s population.

Worker carpenter ants do the dirty work tunneling through the wood to create sprawling galleries. These spaces can either house developing eggs or act as transportation tunnels leading back to the central colony. 

A carpenter ant infestation is severe and often requires prompt action to prevent further damage. Because these pests infest already damaged wood, you may also need home repairs to remedy leaks. 

Fire Ant vs. Carpenter Ant Infestations and Behavior

Of course, fire ants and carpenter ants are distinct species in appearance and behavior. Because both are significant hazards to North Carolina residents, it’s vital to understand the threats each ant poses and what you can expect from their respective infestations. 

Fire ants have created a foothold in many southern states, with the often-humid and semi-tropical weather proving a perfect breeding ground for these Souther American-born insects. 

Because of how easily they thrive in North Carolina and other areas along the United States’ southern region, their population has continued to boom. Some species, like the red imported fire ant, even displace native insect populations. 

These pests exit their colonies in droves to brutally attack whenever their nest is disturbed. Their aggressive behavior makes them a fearsome foe in anyone’s backyard. Even standing near a fire ant nest may land you with a painful sting. 

In terms of behavior, fire ants are known for their aggressive and territorial nature. They will fiercely defend their nests and attack any perceived threat, including humans and pets. Their sting is painful and can cause a severe allergic reaction in some people, especially those with pre-existing allergies.

In comparison, carpenter ants are less aggressive and do not directly threaten humans or pets. However, their ability to tunnel into wood can cause significant structural damage to homes and buildings. Plus, their sizable mandibles could leave you with an aching bite too!

When you have one of these pests in your home or lawn, you’ll want to act fast to keep them from taking over. 

Remove sources of food and moisture from around your home, reduce areas of dense vegetation that provide cover, and eliminate nesting sites to control fire ants in your backyard. 

You can also use chemical insecticides to control fire ants. Still, it is vital to use them carefully and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid harming other insects and the environment.

To combat carpenter ants, you should maintain a clean and dry environment, promptly repair any water damage, and eliminate potential food sources. If an infestation is suspected, it is best to contact a professional pest control service for inspection and treatment.

When comparing a fire ant vs. carpenter ant infestation, it’s important to understand that both are destructive and sometimes dangerous to linger on your property. Whenever you suspect an ant infestation, contact Innovative Pest Solutions to lend a hand! We can carefully remove the source of any ant problem and help you enjoy your property once again.

A CTA for Ant control services