Whether it’s the aggressive yellow jacket, the relentless paper wasp, or intimidating hornets, these winged pests can be a real pain in the neck – literally! With their venomous stings, wasps can cause a lot of discomfort and even pose a danger to those with allergies.

But don’t let these pesky insects ruin your day! Wasps in North Carolina can be frightening, but a reputable pest control company can keep these pests at bay. Check out our blog for some practical advice that will help you prevent and control wasp infestations!

Paper Wasps in North Carolina

Have you ever spotted a wasp with long, thin legs dangling below its body? That’s likely a paper wasp, a common species of social wasp in North Carolina. These sleek insects are named for the papery nests they build, which look like upside-down umbrellas hanging from trees or eaves.

While paper wasps may not be as aggressive as other wasp species, they still pack a punch with their stingers. Their stings can be quite painful and cause allergic reactions for some, so if you spot a paper wasp nest on your property, it’s best to leave it to the experts.

In North Carolina, paper wasps are commonly found in gardens, on trees, and around homes. They are beneficial insects because they help control other pest populations, such as caterpillars and aphids. 

However, if you have a paper wasp nest on your property, it’s best to contact a professional pest control company for safe removal. Attempting to remove the nest yourself can be dangerous and may result in stings. Leave the pest control to the professionals! 

Yellowjacket Wasps in North Carolina

If you’ve spent time outdoors in North Carolina, chances are you’ve encountered a yellow jacket or two. These striped stingers are a common species of social wasp found throughout the state, and they can be quite a nuisance for those who are allergic to their venom.

A yellow jacket creating a nest, one of the wasps in North Carolina

Yellow jackets build their nests from a paper-like material they produce by chewing wood pulp. These nests can be found in various locations, from underground burrows to trees and even the eaves of buildings. 

Let’s be real; nobody wants a buzzing colony of yellow jackets on their property!

Thankfully, there are ways to manage yellow jacket populations and keep these pests at bay. The key is to work with a professional pest control company that can safely and effectively remove yellow jacket nests. 

Bald-faced Hornets in North Carolina

If you’ve ever stumbled upon a bald-faced hornet nest in North Carolina, you know how intimidating these buzzing pests can be. With their black-and-white coloring and fiercely protective behavior, bald-faced hornets can make even the bravest souls run for cover!

Despite their name, bald-faced hornets are actually a type of yellow jacket wasp, and they’re known for building large, paper-like nests that can contain hundreds of individuals. These nests can be found hanging from trees, shrubs, and even buildings. Disturbing them can trigger an aggressive defensive response from the colony.

Bald-faced hornets also have truly unique behaviors. For example, did you know that they are among the few social wasps that can recognize faces? Studies have shown that bald-faced hornets can differentiate between individual faces, which helps them to identify intruders and defend their nests more effectively.

These pests are fearsome predators, so steer clear whenever you see them fly by!

Dealing with Wasps in North Carolina

Here are some tips for protecting yourself against wasps and preventing them from invading your yard:

Keep your yard clean and tidy: Wasps are attracted to sweet, sugary smells, so keeping your yard clean and free of food scraps can go a long way in preventing them from nesting in your yard.

Avoid wearing floral or brightly colored clothing: Wasps are attracted to bright colors and floral patterns, so stick to muted, neutral colors when spending time outdoors. This doesn’t guarantee wasps will fly elsewhere, but it may help you stay off their radar!

Seal up any cracks or crevices: Wasps can build nests in even the tiniest of spaces, so it’s essential to seal up any cracks or crevices in your home or outdoor structures.

Use natural repellents: Several natural repellents can help keep wasps at bay, such as planting mint or cloves in your yard or hanging fake wasp nests as a deterrent. You can even add essential oil scents to water to spray these pests away. Here’s a great guide to using essential oils with plants!

Keep garbage cans and compost piles sealed: Garbage cans and compost piles are a prime location for wasps to build nests, so keep these areas tight to prevent them from getting in. Plus, foraging wasps could search through these areas for meals to bring home. 

Hire a professional pest control company: If you have a serious wasp infestation, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. A pest control company can safely and effectively remove nests from your property without putting you or your family at risk.

By following these tips and taking steps to prevent wasps from invading your yard, you can enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about getting stung. And if you spot a wasp nest on your property, don’t hesitate to call the professionals for safe and effective removal.

If you’re dealing with a wasp infestation in your yard, don’t wait – call the experts at Innovative Pest Solutions today! Our team of experienced professionals can safely and effectively remove wasp nests from your property, so you can enjoy your time outdoors without the worry of getting stung. 

Contact us now to schedule a consultation and take the first step in protecting your home and family from these wasps in North Carolina.

A CTA for Innovative Pest Solutions for stinging insects and wasp control services