A bottle of Clorox bleach on a wooden table

Fleas can be a real headache, especially for those with pets or in areas prone to flea infestations. From itchy pets and hopping pests, a flea infestation isn’t a walk in the park!

Many homeowners turn to DIY solutions to quickly eliminate their pest problems. But before you reach for unconventional products, let’s investigate a common question about flea control: Does bleach kill fleas?

We’re here to give you the lowdown on whether bleach is a reliable solution and how to use it safely to combat these pesky critters.

Understanding the Flea Problem

Before diving into the bleach solution, let’s learn more about what you’re dealing with! We all know fleas as tiny, annoying insects feeding mammals’ blood. Humans aren’t immune to their bites either, as they often hop from pets onto human hosts when looking for another meal.

But these little creatures are not just irritating; they can also transmit diseases. The female flea lays eggs on its host (often your furry friend), which then drop off and hatch into larvae, pupae, and, eventually, adult fleas. 

Common flea diseases that impact humans include:

Does Bleach Kill Fleas? A Mixed Bag for Flea Control

So, let’s address the big question: does bleach kill fleas? Well, the answer isn’t a straightforward yes or no. Bleach can work under specific conditions, but it’s not a silver bullet. Here’s how it comes into play:

Tackling Fleas on Surfaces

Bleach is a powerful disinfectant and cleaner. When used on non-living surfaces like floors, walls, and pet bedding, it can possibly kill adult fleas and their larvae. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Dealing with Flea-Infested Laundry

You can also use bleach to clean flea-infested laundry. Washing pet bedding, clothing, and linens with bleach can effectively kill fleas and their eggs. To do this safely:

The Limitations of Bleach

So, does bleach kill fleas?

A white jug of a bleach solution

While bleach can work well on adult fleas and their larvae on surfaces, it may not reach flea eggs and pupae hidden deep in carpets, upholstery, or within your pet’s fur. This is a significant drawback when using bleach for flea control. 

Eggs and pupae are resilient, so you’ll need additional methods like vacuuming and dedicated flea control products to deal with them.

Additionally, bleach is a highly abrasive substance, often leading to staining, corrosion, and even toxic fumes. 

If you decide to use bleach for flea control, remember that safety is a priority. Here are some precautions to ensure everyone, including your pets, stays safe:

Don’t forget to protect yourself, either. When using bleach, wear the appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection, to prevent skin and eye irritation.

Does Bleach Kill Fleas? The Bottom Line

While bleach can technically work to remove fleas from your pet’s bedding, we recommend against it. 

Bleach is primarily designed for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and is not specifically formulated for killing fleas. Fleas are resilient parasites, and using bleach alone is unlikely to eliminate them entirely.

Plus, even if bleach successfully kills some fleas on contact, it can leave a residue that may still be toxic to pets and humans. This residue could pose risks if it comes into contact with skin or is ingested.

Consider a Multi-Pronged Approach

Instead of relying on bleach or other household cleaners to cull your flea infestation, try out these options for size:

A golden retriever puppy and orange kitten cuddling in the grass

For a comprehensive approach to tackling fleas, reach out to us at Innovative Pest Solutions. As longtime Raleigh residents, we know the ins and outs of the city and its pests. If you have a flea infestation on your hands, contact us for help!

A CTA for flea control services